Dear Parents & Carers
This year our parent and carer review meetings will be held on-line/ virtually. This is the first time that we have implemented such an approach but we hope that it helps to ensure a productive and positive meeting and experience as well as helps to keep you and our staff team safe.
The purpose of the meeting is for parents and carers to spend ten minutes with their child’s teacher so that we can share how your child has settled in to school, discuss how they are engaging with their learning journey and update you on our academic assessment of them and whether any catch-up is needed. The meeting will include for children with SEND needs, the sharing of their Individual Learning Programme as well.
If after the meeting, you feel that you still have matters to discuss then you will be able to arrange a follow-up meeting with your child’s class teacher or Katie Scott, our Inclusion Coordinator, by emailing or phoning our office team or by emailing the Year team through the year group email address.
The online appointment booking system allows you to choose your own appointment times with your child’s class teacher and you will receive an email confirming your appointment. If you have more than one child in the school you will receive a unique login for each child.
A 10-minute appointment can be made on the 12th, 13th, 19th or 20th October between 3.45 pm and 6 pm.
Please visit to book your appointment. The booking system will be opened for making appointments from 7 am on 1st October to 4.30 pm on the 8th October.
You are able to access the meeting on any device with a camera but, nearer to the time, we’ll provide for you a guide with the technical specifications and a set of protocols for the meetings.
May we take this opportunity to thank you in advance for attending the meetings and fingers crossed the Tech Gods smile on us and everything works as it should.
Parent Guide to booking appointments
– Autumn Term 2020 – Parent and Carer Meetings
© Barnham Primary School is part of The Oak Academy trust, a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales. Registered Office Barnham Primary School, Elm Grove, Barnham, West Sussex, PO22 0HW | Company number: 9604912