The school motto was developed by the staff and the children in the Autumn Term of 2012 and is referred to on a regular basis as an outcome as well as an action.
Highly skilled and consistent relationships between all staff and children make a huge contribution to the positive climate of our school community. The pride of the children in their school is shown by their excellent conduct and in their application to their studies and learning journey. Teaching and learning experiences promote and actively encourage the development of resilience, independence and confidence. The expectation is that every member of the school community will bring intensity to our development and growth and seek opinion and challenge.
The Rainbow Curriculum has been designed and developed by the staff team in close liaison with the children and families of the school. Research and recognised good practice in education underpins the curriculum as well as the needs of our children and local community both now and in the future. The curriculum was introduced in September 2014 and is always being reviewed to ensure it continues to meet the best outcomes for successful, confident and responsible children.
BPS Curriculum Overview
Remote Education at BPS
Knowledge Organiser – R/1/2 Treasure Island
Knowledge Organiser – 2/3/4 The Tudors
Knowledge Organiser – 4/5/6 Brightstorm
© Barnham Primary School is part of The Oak Academy trust, a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales. Registered Office Barnham Primary School, Elm Grove, Barnham, West Sussex, PO22 0HW | Company number: 9604912